How do we decide to leave or stay in a relationship?
You get to an age and stage in life when the person you're dating isn't just filling a temporary void, but someone who you start assessing; whether they are capable of being a suitable life partner, someone you want to have kids with, a person who is financially stable and mature.
I have been dating someone for almost 2 years and have been living together for almost a year. I am 30, own my apartment and have a solid career. My partner was born in South Africa but grew up in Zimbabwe (and before you ask, he's white), he's been living in London for over 5 years (despite a minor glitch in March where he got deported for 3 months after arriving back from our vacation in Zimbabwe with an expired visa), he's terrible with his finances, never cared about the future and has quite the "yolo" personality... but I love him!
He's managed to sort his finances, pension scheme and think about making a future plan, which has made things a bit better but I do feel like a have a heavy weight on my shoulders; and that weight is knowing that we'd be going through life with me as the breadwinner, me stressing about finances and planning life.
It's 2019 and I should be more than ok being the "boss" at home #feminism, but I can't help but feel a bit deflated by it. I used to dream of having a beautiful home, with 2 children, a golden retreiver wearing a red handkerchief scarf, driving a nice 4x4. Because my boyfriend doesn't earn much it would mean I would be giving all that up. But does this mean I should put superficiality and materialistic objects before my happiness?
Lately I've almost wanted something to happen to make a break up easier if I'm already having these doubts.
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